ASCA/Can CH Harmony Hill's Scandalous CD HIC
Multi High In Trial AKC Major Pointed

ASCA/AKC Paradox Propaganda X Can CH Harmony Hill's Dust Bunny CGC
DOB Apr. 26, 2002

Way back in the spring of 2000 I showed a dog to her Canadian championship for Heather Braddock of Harmony Hill Australian Shepherds. That dog was Can CH Harmony Hill's Dust Bunny CGC. I fell for Bunny and told Heather that I really wanted a puppy from her. After 2 long years I finally got my little Bunny puppy!

Scandal is poetry in motion. Effortless, flowing side movement, clean coming and going, with a beautiful topline.

As our resident social director, Scandal takes teaching new dogs to play (and motivating the older ones) very seriously. She hasn't met a dog yet, that given enough time, she can't get to play a good game of "tag". There isn't a mean bone in her body (although she has quite a few 'Funny bones"); she will adjust her play style to suit her partner.

Scan loves toys, balls, and Frisbee. She is also very food motivated.

My friend Rob Byers 'borrowed" Scandal for 6 months to 'test drive' an Aussie for competitive obedience. He found Scandal to be a very fast learner, very willing, and quite a talented obedience dog. Rob trialed Scandal for her CD and she received a 197, 198, 198 ½, plus TWO High In Trials. All judges remarked that she was an incredible heeler and she received several perfect heeling scores.

Heather and I co-own Scandal. You can visit her relatives at Harmony Hill's Australian Shepherds. See her littermate, ASCA/CKC Ch. Harmony Hill's Notorious, on the gallery page

Scandal finished her ASCA championship by going BOB over many specials under an ASCA breeder judge, she went on to win the High Combined Conformation dog at the Montana Cow Country Classic and took home a gorgeous Sett-R-Rite grooming table

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