ASCA/CKC CH Kinring's All That N More

ASCA/AKC CH Stormridge’s He’s All That  X  ASCA/Can CH Timaru’s She’s All That  HIC
April 9, 2004 - March 10, 2008

If tears could build a stairway
And memories were a lane
We would walk right up to Heaven
And bring you back again

No farewell words were spoken
No time to say goodbye
You were gone before we knew it
And only God knows why

Our hearts still ache in sadness
And secret tears still flow
What it meant to lose you
No one will ever know

But know we know you want us
To mourn for you no more
To remember all the happy times
Life still has much in store

Since you’ll never be forgotten
We pledge to you today
A hallowed place within our hearts
Is where you’ll always stay.

Author Unknown

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